The Goal
Essential Skills for Workplace
Equip participants with the essential knowledge and skills to confidently respond to workplace emergencies, providing immediate first aid, performing CPR, utilizing AEDs, and ensuring the safety and well-being of individuals in need.
Course Outline
First Aid Essentials
Learn immediate care principles for wounds, fractures, and injuries. Manage bleeding, splint fractures, and dress wounds effectively. Gain insights into injury severity assessment. Mock training will enhance confidence and clarify the dos and don'ts.
CPR Techniques
Master vital life-saving CPR skills for all ages. Proper hand placement, compression depth, and rate for effective chest compressions. Understand the critical role of timely chest compressions and rescue breaths.
AED Proficiency
Proficiently use AEDs to restore heart rhythms during sudden cardiac arrest. Recognize AED necessity, attach the device, and follow voice prompts for electric shocks. Vital knowledge for boosting survival rates in cardiac emergencies.
Choking Response
Effectively assist conscious and unconscious choking victims. Learn techniques, including the Heimlich maneuver, to restore normal breathing. Swiftly clear airways and ensure safety.
Medical Insight
Understand workplace medical emergencies. Identify symptoms, and provide initial care for seizures, strokes, allergies, asthma, and more. Act confidently until professional help arrives.
Ethics & Legality
Comprehend legal and ethical aspects of first aid. Covering Good Samaritan laws, duty of care, and responsibilities. Gain insights for intervention within training limits.